Eliminate Project
Every nine minutes, a baby dies from tetanus. That short lifetime is marked by pain – with extreme sensitivity to light, sound or contact that prevents even a mother’s touch. More than 100 million women and their future babies must be protected. This will cost roughly $240 million. Already, millions have been committed. But a funding gap remains. With the Eliminate Project, the goal of Kiwanis is to raise $110 million by 2015 – filling the gap and becoming the world’s largest single donor to the elimination of maternal and neonatal tetanus.
In 1994, Kiwanis joined UNICEF and partners as the organization began its worldwide service project to virtually eliminate iodine deficiency disorders, the world’s leading cause of preventable mental disability. Kiwanis raised and leveraged nearly $100 million and these funds are at work today in more than 103 countries, where 80 million children will be born free of IDD this year. Funds from the Eliminate Project will have a similar impact.
On average, $1.80 can save and protect a woman and her future babies.
The Eliminate Project will support: Immunization of women of reproductive age; Promotion of clean delivery practices; Immunization of pregnant women and Sustainability through education.
Your gift can make a difference in the lives of many families. Imagine the impact your generosity can have by saving the lives of innocent mothers and children. You can be a significant part of it.
The Athens Kiwanis Club is striving to attain a realistic goal for this very worthy endeavor. Through your donation we can move towards achieving our goal and helping to save lives. Please mail your donation to:
Athens Kiwanis Club
Eliminate Project
P.O. Box 614
Athens, TN 37371
Thank you in advance for your generosity.